It was Ben Franklin who said that the only guarantees in life are death and taxes. However, he left off a little piece of Eastern philosophy: That the only constant is change. Ask anyone who has ever been in the field. You can even ask anyone who has planned a short road trip. Life happens. The Expedition Audacity team knows that far better than any of us.
The EA team had originally planned to sail the Northwest passage this summer. Climate change introduced a change to their planned route. They are now embarking on a series of shakedown cruises in Central and South America during that time frame in preparation for another chance at a Northwest expedition next year.
The team for this fantastic voyage? Large and impressive. The Captain of the yet-to-be-named Research Vessel (in keeping with tradition) is Chris Redmon from Ontario. Other team members are: Jason Christensen (First Mate), Sara Fondo (Bosun), Casper Larsen (Chef), Sophie Kreutz (Director of Education), Raj Sekar (Lead Scientist), Iro Tsarmpopoulou-Fokianou (Anthropologist & Zoologist), and Naomi Lubkin (Scientific Coordinator) are quite literally just a small part of the team at sea and ashore that will be making things happen.
The mission? "Advance climate and biodiversity research by pioneering the use of eRNA technology in a global survey, and in concert, connect communities through thoughtful exploration, innovative education, and immersive storytelling."
I could go on about how cool this expedition is, but I can't do it justice. More information can be found at the link below:
A team as great as this one deserves our support. The link to make a donation is below:
I encourage you to take some time to learn about the expedition and the folks who will make this happen, and please consider making a donation.